I have received several bug reports that some jpeg files can't be imported.
Somehow, it just works fine on my side and can't reproduce the issue at all....
So, if you have any issue importing jpeg image, I really appreciate it if you can send me some information:
OS and language: e.g. Windows 7 English
A folder and file name: e.g. c:\temp\test.jpg (Any special character used??)
What you see when it doesn't work: Error message? Just crash?
It doesn't work for any jpeg?, or it doesn't work for just some particular jpeg file?
If you don't mind, could you send the jpeg file to me? (to kgchart@gmail.com) for analysis.
I'll try to solve this issue as mush as possible.
As a workaround, please try following steps to see if it works:
Copy and re-save the jpeg with some paint application, such as windows paint or paint.net. Resize it smaller when saving.
(!!!Please just be careful not to overwrite the original file!!!)
Use a simple ascii name only folder (such as c:\temp\test.jpg)
Thank you,