Galaxy Volume
Matter Distribution: | |
Gas Amount(%): | |
Star Amount(%): | |
Dust Amount(%): | |
Non DW Dust(%): | |
Galaxy Shape
Bulge R(%): | |
Bulge e(%): | |
Bulge Density(%): | |
Halo Radius(%): | |
Halo e(%): | |
Halo Density(%): | |
Halo Star Amount(%): | |
Thick Disk e(%): | |
Thick Disk Density(%): | |
Star Disk e(%): | |
Star DiskFlat e(%): | |
Dust Disk e(%): | |
Dust Disk size(%): | |
GC count: | |
GC Radius(%): | |
Nebula P(Star)(%): | |
Nebula P(Gas)(%): | |
Halo Shells:: | |
Shell Radius(%): | |
Shell Density(%): | |
Warp(%): | |
Ring-1 p: | |
Ring-1 d: | |
Galaxy SSPSF
Propagation Probability(%): | |
Cell Radius: | |
Density Wave
You can define two DWs, which will be mixed together to control the matter movement.
Overall Effect(%): | |
m: | The number of rotation while revolving around the center of the galaxy. It should be 1 ~ n. This affect the number of arms. |
ESR: | The amount of degree of revolution axis. (degree) |
ESP: | ESR's increasing factor. It should be 1~3. |
r/R: | The ratio of rotation/revolution. (%) |
R: start/end | Effective radius. (%) |
Rotation Curve
There are five(5) rotation curves to define.
RC (Densitiy Wave disk / Galaxy Disk) Black
RC (Gas) Blue
RC (Dust/Star) Green
RC (Dust lane) Red
RC (Dust lane) Orange
For each, you can setup parameters below.
There are five points of (R,V) coordinate, which defines the rotation curve using spline curve.
R: 1 .. 100
R,V #1: | |
R,V #2: | |
R,V #3: | |
R,V #4: | |
V #5: | |