To start a new chart, use the file menu "File" - "New..."
You will see the following dialog box.
Title: The title of the chart you are about to create.
Author: The name of author, which will be printed as a copyright holder. (This is available only for the shareware version)
Cloth: A type of cloth: either "Aida" or "Linen". If you chose "Linen", you can specify "Linen Threads/one stitch value.
Cloth Name: If you want to use specific cloth name other than Aida or Linen, use this text box.
Linen Th./One Stitch: The number of threads for one stitch.
Th. Count: The thread count. You can chose the unit from linen "threads/cm" or "count/inch".
Rect: Rectangle Grid: If you want use the rectangle grid (meaning width and height are different size), then check this item.
You usually won't have to check this for cross-stitch.
Chart Size: The size of the chart. You can specify that by "cm" or "count".
The max value is 1000 for the shareware version and 500 for LE version.
Palette: The color palette you want to use, either DMC or Danish Flower Thread.