This functionality it to be used to convert image files into a chart file.
You can import the following file types (file extensions):
jpg, png, bmp, gif, ico, tiff, tga, pcx, jp2 (Jpeg 2000)
1. Select "File" - "Import..." from the menu bar.
2. You will see a file open dialog box. Chose a file you want to convert.
3. Then, you will see a "Import" dialog box as follows. This is almost same as a "New" chart dialog box.
Title: The title of the chart you are about to create.
Author: The name of author, which will be printed as a copyright holder. (This is available only for the shareware version)
Cloth: A type of cloth: either "Aida" or "Linen". If you chose "Linen", you can specify "Linen Threads/one stitch value.
Cloth Name: If you want to use specific cloth name other than Aida or Linen, use this text box.
Linen Th./One Stitch: The number of threads for one stitch.
Th. Count: The thread count. You can chose the unit from linen "threads/cm" or "count/inch".
Rect: Rectangle Grid: If you want use the rectangle grid (meaning width and height are different size), then check this item. For cross stitch, usually this shouldn't check.
Chart Size: The size of the chart. You can specify that by "cm" or "count".
The max value is 1000 for the shareware version and 500 for LE version.
Palette: The color palette you want to use, either DMC or Danish Flower Thread.
Colors: The number of colors you want to use for the chart. Please note that the conversion will not generate the exact number of color, rather it generates around the number you specified (but will not exceed it). The number should be the power of 2: 2,4,8,16,32,64,128. The actual numbers of color generated will be usually less than that due to some consolidation of colors etc based on my color reducing algorithm.